Project Description
Franchise of three mini -hotels
General information

Upforsale is a franchise with an operating network of three mini-hotels and a dark kitchen for catering.
Hotels and businesses are located at leased premises, so capitalization is solely due to movable property and repairs, well-established business processes, book-keeping accounts, trained employees and net income.
Total number of rooms – 57.
Staff: 46 employees for three hotels (operating managers, maids, administrators, doormen, cooks, waiters, craftsmen)
Financial results:
Average number of rooms used per year – 96%
Average monthly revenue from hotels – about 21 million UAH.
The average monthly turnover of catering / conference service / complex mealsis from 100,000 UAH to 250,000 UAH and varies depending on the season.
The net income of the business per month is from $ 15,000 to $ 20,000.
Business Cost – $ 490,000 + 5% royalties for the 3 hotels and a dark kitchen.
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