Project Description
Zolochiv elevator
General information
We offer a business project for harvesting, storage and shipment of grain on the basis of the existing enterprise LLC “Zolochiv Elevator” Zolochiv Lviv region. The company operates stably, has a well-established customer base in the region, and a good reputation.
The property has 9 granaries of the floor type with a capacity of simultaneous storage of 20,000 tons, the total area of warehouses is 12,000 square meters. The turnover of grain in the season is 40,000 tons. (more information at All permits on ecology, fire safety (3 fire reservoirs, hydrants, motor pump) are available. Sanitary norms are observed.

Office space (over 600 square meters) with a certified laboratory and other components of the enterprise, allow you to start loading it at any time. There is a permanent staff of trained specialists of the enterprise, which will be able to continue to work. Own premises allow to expand the type of activity (separate shop for processing oilseeds, production of cereals, flour, additives), production of seed grain (floor warehouses are ideal), etc.
Analysis of the market of sown areas of the neighboring regions, as well as the projected increase in the harvest, directly indicates a shortage of grain storage capacity. Elevators of Lviv region cover only 30% of the region’s needs.
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